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Fused Glass

Just bought my first glass kiln (Jan 2022) and a few ebooks to learn how to create flowers and landscapes using frit powders.  I have a lot to learn but already I am in love with this new art medium!

Sandhill Crane Series

These pieces were 'painted' on a sheet of white glass using powdered glass mixed with lavender oil.

Crane, Walking, sm_edited.jpg
Crane, Flying, sm.jpg
Crane, Dancing, sm.jpg

Portrait Series
Just starting to experiment with portraits.  Will add more as I continue this journey.

Pieces created following instructions in the Botanical ebook!

Wood Violets.heic

My first pieces done on my own!

Poppy Field, sm.jpg
Hazelnut Tree_MG_3156.jpg

Stained Glass

Hazelnut Tree I made for my sister and her husband to hang in their kitchen window.  They have a hazelnut farm in Newberg Oregon.


Kaleidoscope.  I have played golf most of my life so sometimes I like to weave golf themes into my art.


I entered this kaleidoscope

in the 2019 Riverside County

Fair and was so excited to win

'Best of Division' in stained glass.


© 2020 Jennifer Ramerman.  All artwork on this site is protected by copyright and is the property of Jennifer Ramerman.

No reproduction of any kind is allowed for any reason without written permission from Jennifer Ramerman.

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