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I have enjoyed many different hobbies over the years.   I like learning and making new things. Sometimes they don't quite turn out but when they do it is so exciting.  Then I'm usually looking for the next new hobby.

Gourd, CA6A2774.JPG

Gourds: I am learning how to woodburn and paint on gourds.  It takes quite a bit of practice - which I still need plenty of.  This is the only piece I have done so far - but I have plenty of gourds when I'm ready to try another piece.


Pottery:  in 2017 I took pottery lessons so I could make this tile mural for my son & his family.  This piece is 3' x 5' and is all hand made tiles.  It took me about a year to complete this piece. This is the only piece I have made but I look forward to trying another tile mural some day. 


Acrylic painting on fabric using a fabric medium. It's a block in grandson Declan's quilt.


I learned to needle felt so I could make the llama to put on top of grandson Declan's  first birthday cake.

Homemade Soap & Deodorant: I enjoy  neighborhood outdoor markets and usually there is a table or two of someone selling their homemade soaps.   After buying different kinds and loving the scents, I did some research on how to make my own homemade soap.  I've been making soap for about 10 years now and it is so much fun.  I'm always trying different essential oils and add-in goodies like ground dried peppermint from the garden.  Recently I made an herb trio - sage, rosemary and thyme.  I have also had a lot of fun making the soap labels and boxes.   


Last summer my son asked if I would make him homemade deodorant.  So I found a few recipes to try.  Now we are all using homemade soaps and deodorants.  My son has started making his own batches of deodorant and his children enjoy helping him select the right combination of essential oils to make him smell great!    


Christmas Project

My sister Linda challenged me to make a Santa and Reindeer block.  After I made those two, my husband asked for an elf. Then I made a snowman to round out the set of 4.  Too much fun!

© 2020 Jennifer Ramerman.  All artwork on this site is protected by copyright and is the property of Jennifer Ramerman.

No reproduction of any kind is allowed for any reason without written permission from Jennifer Ramerman.

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